domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Get Slim or Die Trying - My Journey Day 22

Hello my friends,

It's been a couple of weeks since my last update, I know what you're thinking "He left the diet and went back to McDonald's" but no, I'm still in this wonderful journey of eternal healthcare and wellness.

So how was it these past couple of weeks?
R/ My once beloved friend called Anxiety is now gone, I can now eat with friends and family without wanting to choke them on a daily basis and have finally found the taste in healthy food, I must say I'm creating an eating habit that will last for the rest of my life.

Challenges: Now that anxiety is out of the way, my biggest challenge is drinking the required amount of water to get rid of the excess of liquid in my body, it's not that I don't like it but on my day to day I forget and end up drinking about 3 liters, the goal is to drink 6 liters of water every day, about 600 ml every 2 hours.

The results: On week 2 &3  I chose a chocolate bar, a fruit juice and a cheese omelette + the 250 grams of protein with 2 cups of vegetables, the products were absolutely delicious and for my check up the weight loss was: 4.9.

Total weight loss: 9.3 kg (08/29/2014)

Initial weight: 146.7
Current weight: 137.4

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals"

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